La Taberna del Puerto El seguro de mi barc
"Se navega por los astros, por la mar, por la tierra, por las gentes, por los sentimientos...Se navega." Altair
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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 03:40
Avatar de manuetsin
manuetsin manuetsin esta desconectado
Grumete Pirata
Registrado: 20-02-2008
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Predeterminado Tormentin:

estoy haciendo, jejje bueno haciendo un proyecto de fin de carrera de un velero de aluminio de 20 m, y en el diseno de velas, no se como dimensionar el decir que superficie suelen tener para este tipo de barcos. que consideraciones debo tener en cuenta....yo habia pensado uno con una superficie de en torno a los 35 m2, pero la verdad es que asi como el gennaker genova,foque y demas no he tenido ningun problema porque tengo formulas, bases de datos y algun que otro libro, para el caso de este "pano"menor.

Asi que me gustaria que los lobos viejos de mar que saben muchisimo mas que yo, pues me indicaran que debo tener en cuenta.
por lo demas a vuestro servicio, de un torpe intento de ingeniero
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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 10:06
Avatar de malamar
malamar malamar esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

siento el que no esté en cristiano

Because there seems to be some confusion as to storm jib sizes, we suggest: First, a storm jib to us is that smallest jib carried when the winds are very strong, for extended periods of time, such as would be encountered in a storm at sea, off-shore. Obviously a slightly larger sail could be carried for a short time period for storms on semi-protected waters (such as bays and lakes, etc.) Each individual must know, for his own protection or that of his crew, the kind of weather conditions for which he is purchasing the sail.

For a guide as to the size of the sail to be carried, we offer the following:

Area determination - Method # 1

Choice A. Decide whether the sailing is done with a well experienced racing crew with ample manpower under all conditions. If so, then the area of the storm jib may be up to 5-1/2% of I².

Choice B. If the sailing is done with just a family where the crew consists of father, mother and children or similar light crew, then it is strongly recommended that the area of the storm jib be limited to 3% to 3.5% of I2.

EXAMPLE: If the I of the boat is 30’0, then I 2 will be 900. Therefore 3% of 900 equals a storm jib area of 27 square feet; 3.5% of 900 + 31.5 sq. feet; and 5.5% of 900=49.5 sq. ft. storm jib area.

Area determination - Method # 2

Choice A. Determine whether a working jib is shown on your sail plan. We mean a jib that is about 80% to 90% of the foretriangle area, not a lapper jib. Write down each of the three side-edge dimensions of that working jib. For semi-protected waters, the storm jib should be limited to the following:

Maximum storm jib luff = 2/3 of the working jib luff, maximum storm jib leach = 2/3 of the working jib leach, and maximum storm jib foot = 2/3 of the working jib foot.

Choice B. For off-shore work, limit the storm jib edge dimensions to a maximum of one-half of the corresponding working jib edge dimensions.

Assuming that the working jib on the sail plan is not a lapper (as is shown on some sail plans), then the two methods will work to almost identical sail areas for the storm jib. When no sail plan is available, Method # 1 is the better way of determining the area.

These methods represent the thinking of the best naval architects based on sailing history and the very recent Fastnet tragedy experience. Whatever your decision, it is well to remember that the storm jib used at sea can be small and not cause problems; but too large a storm jib can represent trouble, possible lack of control of the boat under the most adverse weather conditions. Obviously a somewhat larger jib can be used when all that is needed is simply a short run into a harbor for weather protection such as would be the case for a family cruising on a large lake.

Bacon & Associates

__________________ lontananza sai
é come il vento
che fa dimenticare chi non s'ama..
spegne i fuochi piccoli,
ma accende quelli grandi

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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 10:49
Avatar de marinotardio
marinotardio marinotardio esta desconectado
Pirata pata palo
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

Oer Malamar, tienes más recursos que la Biblioteca Nacional

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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 10:53
Avatar de malamar
malamar malamar esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

Gracias Marino, ...pero es don de gentes, no más...

¿ has cambiao la hora??

__________________ lontananza sai
é come il vento
che fa dimenticare chi non s'ama..
spegne i fuochi piccoli,
ma accende quelli grandi

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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 13:06
Avatar de marinotardio
marinotardio marinotardio esta desconectado
Pirata pata palo
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

Originalmente publicado por malamar Ver mensaje
Gracias Marino, ...pero es don de gentes, no más...

¿ has cambiao la hora??

Yes, y no sabes la malamilk que me ha dado
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Antiguo 31-03-2008, 01:04
Avatar de manuetsin
manuetsin manuetsin esta desconectado
Grumete Pirata
Registrado: 20-02-2008
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

mil disculpas leo las normas del foro...y a continuacion pregunto como dios manda...tienes toda la razon. este no es un foro cualquiera. mil disculpas espero no haber ofendido al personal.
y de todos modos muchas gracias, malamar..y bueno a todos por ensenarme normas de comportamiento. leo las normas y manana entro como dios manda.
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Antiguo 30-03-2008, 10:54
Avatar de ROyOR
ROyOR ROyOR Conectado
Benito Soto piratagallego
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Predeterminado Re: Tormentin:

Hola Manuetsin.
Normalmente cuando alguien entra en un sitio debe de presentarse para que todo el mundo sepa con quien habla e incluso debe saber como debe de entrar y que puede o no puede hacer. Aqui en la taberna tenemos unas normas. Te aconsejo que te las leas y te presentes como debes.
Un saludo y espero que hagas un buen proyecto de fin de carrera.


"Sean felices, porque la vida es urgente. La vida es una y ahora, así que hay que vivirla a tope y con intensidad"
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