La Taberna del Puerto Good Wings
"Se navega por los astros, por la mar, por la tierra, por las gentes, por los sentimientos...Se navega." Altair
VHF: Canal 77
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Antiguo 19-09-2012, 17:40
Avatar de Gambucero
Gambucero Gambucero esta desconectado
Hermano de la costa
Registrado: 08-09-2011
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Predeterminado Para los que usais MircoSoft Internet Explorer...

... y no andais con las paranoias de la "conspiración del FBI" (es textual de un "clásico" de esta taberna)... os posteo el report del CERT de anoche a las 0 horas... aunque mi consejo personal es no usar ningún producto de esa empresa "pequeña y blanda".

"National Cyber Awareness System

US-CERT Alert TA12-262A
Microsoft Security Advisory for Internet Explorer Exploit

Original release date: September 18, 2012
Last revised: --

Systems Affected

* Microsoft Internet Explorer 7
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 8
* Microsoft Internet Explorer 9


An unpatched use-after-free vulnerability in Microsoft Internet
Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9 is being exploited in the wild.
Microsoft has released Security Advisory 2757760 with mitigation


Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7, 8, and 9 are susceptible to
a use-after-free vulnerability. This vulnerability is being
actively exploited in the wild. At this time, there is no patch
available for this vulnerability. End-users can mitigate the
vulnerability by using Microsoft's Enhanced Mitigation Experience

Additional mitigation advice is available in the MSRC blog post:
"Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 2757760" and US-CERT
Vulnerability Note VU#480095.


A remote, unauthenticated attacker could execute arbitrary code,
cause a denial of service, or gain unauthorized access to your
files or system.


US-CERT recommends Internet Explorer users read Microsoft Security
Advisory 2757760 and apply mitigation techniques such as using the
Microsoft Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit.


* Microsoft Security Advisory (2757760)

* MSRC Blog: Microsoft Releases Security Advisory 2757760

* Download Microsoft EMET 3.0

* US-CERT Vulnerability Note VU#480095

Revision History

September 18, 2012: Initial release

__________________________________________________ __________________

Feedback can be directed to US-CERT Technical Staff. Please send
email to <> with "TA12-262A Feedback VU#480095" in
the subject.
__________________________________________________ __________________

Produced by US-CERT, a government organization.
__________________________________________________ __________________

This product is provided subject to this Notification:

Privacy & Use policy:

This document can also be found at
Buen viento y mar de popa para vuesas mercedes.
El mar dara a cada hombre una nueva esperanza, como el dormir le da sueños. (Cristóbal Colón)
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die. (Roy Batty)
sigue mi blog Ganando Barlovento
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