La Taberna del Puerto Valenciaboat
"Se navega por los astros, por la mar, por la tierra, por las gentes, por los sentimientos...Se navega." Altair
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Antiguo 26-03-2010, 14:57
Avatar de Kepilla
Kepilla Kepilla esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 06-05-2009
Localización: Madrid (Mediterraneo)
Edad: 63
Mensajes: 916
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 98
Recibió 197 Agradecimientos en 143 Mensajes
Predeterminado Simuladores de Radio

Buenas tardes;

he buscado por el forum y no encuentro el tema; espero que sea nuevo.

Ando buscando un simulador de radio para ordenadores personales (similar al que se usan en las nuevas prácticas de radio, pero 'mas sencillo -y barato')

Por el momento, he encontrado el RadioSim. Para la parte de LSD está bien -quizas un modelo anticuado-.

Ahora, la petición del oyente:

¿Conoceis alguno mejor? (gratix, como este?)

Muchas gracias!

.................................................. ........................................
RadioSim – Free GMDSS Radio Simulator
• Personal computer with a Microsoft Windows operating system ( W98SE / W2K / XP ).
• TCP/IP protocol suite installed (please see your operating system help file on how to install ).
• Ethernet interface card (necessary if you want to connect to other PC).
• Wifi interface supported (for laptop)
• Compatible Sound board.
• Mouse.
• Video resolution 1024x768, better if 1280x1024 pixels (16/32 bit color depht).
Program versions
􀂃 RadioSim.exe = full version, can be used stand-alone or with other PC running the same application over a LAN to simulate a real-world situation.
􀂃 Tutor.exe = this software simulate an “A-class” radio or a Coast Radio Station. It’s possibile to watch all the traffic, trasmit alerts, distress, urgency, safety messages and routine calls. It’s possible to send the Acknowlegment to a received “Distress Alert”.
Technical notes
• The simulator use the “UDP Broadcast “ protocol to comunicate with the “Tutor” and also with the other copies of simulator if installed on other PC.
• As result, it’s possible to connect as many PC as you want, running the same application (please setup each radio with a single MMSI).
• To simulate real world situation, you may connect two PC directly via a ethernet crossed-cable, or connect more PCs via a ethernet HUB or Switch (see drawing) .
• Some firewall or antivirus programs may need to be configured to enable communications between PC over the UDP ports 8090 / 8091 (see your software help for configuration).
• It’s strictly necessary that each simulator has a single MMSI, as in the real world.
Authors notes
Disclaimer: Use this program at your own risk ! It’s only a tutorial tool and my not agree with the GMDSS – SOLAS requirement and rules ! It’s not intended to replace or simulate the real radios equipements ! I am not connected in any way to ICOM company or any subsidyare.
This software is free for any user, you are not allowed to sell, distribute in any form, making money of it !
If you wish to support my work, please just send a greeting e-mail to me telling your suggestions, bugs, request to new features etc !
Citar y responder
3 Cofrades agradecieron a Kepilla este mensaje:
Jonnia (05-04-2010), Raitán (07-10-2010), teteluis (31-03-2010)


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