La Taberna del Puerto SoleDiesel
"Se navega por los astros, por la mar, por la tierra, por las gentes, por los sentimientos...Se navega." Altair
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Antiguo 31-03-2010, 09:38
Avatar de Ariesmadrid
Ariesmadrid Ariesmadrid esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Nuevo accidente marítimo con víctimas

Buenos días para todos:
A 160 millas al Oeste de cabo Vilan, se hundio ayer , el mercante "Kea" como consecuencia de corrimiento de carga. Han sido rescatados 22 tripulantes , de los que 14 se encuentran en Coruña, y hay dos desaparecidos

Esperemos que sean rescatados con vida a la mayor brevedad.ña-14-tripulantes-rescatados-mercante-kea-20100331093904.html


Editado por Ariesmadrid en 31-03-2010 a las 09:49.
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Antiguo 31-03-2010, 13:31
Avatar de jometr
jometr jometr esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 30-10-2006
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Predeterminado Re: Nuevo accidente marítimo con víctimas

Muy buenas, me acabo de enterar, en fin, Saludos Ariesmadrid.

2 missing as cargo ship with 19 RP crew sinks off Spain
06:08:00 03/31/2010
MADRID—Two crewmen were missing on Tuesday after the cargo ship they were on sank in bad weather off northwestern Spain, maritime rescue services said.
Spanish and Portuguese maritime rescue services saved 22 of the 24 crew on the freighter the "Kea", most of them Filipinos, early Tuesday, said a spokesman for the maritime rescue service in the Spanish city of La Coruna. But they were still searching for two more who remained missing. The Barbados-registered vessel began keeling over late on Monday and sank early Tuesday afternoon about 160 nautical miles off Cape Vilano, in the northwestern region of Galicia. Bad weather and the distance of the ship from the coast complicated the rescue effort, the spokesman said. He said 19 of the crew were from the Philippines, two were Croatians and the others were from Russia, Ghana and Latvia. It was not immediately clear which of them had been rescued. The Kea was en route to Santa Marta in Colombia from St Petersburg in Russia. It was carrying a cargo of ammonium nitrate, but there was no danger of environmental pollution as the substance is very soluble, the spokesman said. ... 9-RP-crew-sinks-off-Spain

Initial distress report: Drifting with 60-deg list in 43 46.7 N 12 13.8 W 30 Mar 2010.
Reefer Kea IMO 7922025 Flag Barbados build 1982 DWT 10490.

Pics at: ... fer-Kea-crew-Atlantic.asp
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