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Antiguo 16-11-2013, 13:06
Avatar de Gambucero
Gambucero Gambucero esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Re: Ojo!! Virus a lo bestia circula en Internet

Bueno... Aviso del US-CERT de hoy, otra ronda del famoso "virus de la policia", asi que los "ventaneros" andad con precaución. Aunque este en ingles, es de facil traducción:

National Cyber Awareness System:

TA13-309A: CryptoLocker Ransomware Infections
11/05/2013 10:58 AM EST

Original release date: November 05, 2013 | Last revised: November 15, 2013

Systems Affected

Microsoft Windows systems running Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, and XP operating systems


US-CERT is aware of a malware campaign that surfaced in 2013 and is associated with an increasing number of ransomware infections. CryptoLocker is a new variant of ransomware that restricts access to infected computers and demands the victim provide a payment to the attackers in order to decrypt and recover their files. As of this time, the primary means of infection appears to be phishing emails containing malicious attachments.


CryptoLocker appears to have been spreading through fake emails designed to mimic the look of legitimate businesses and through phony FedEx and UPS tracking notices. In addition, there have been reports that some victims saw the malware appear following after a previous infection from one of several botnets frequently leveraged in the cyber-criminal underground.


The malware has the ability to find and encrypt files located within shared network drives, USB drives, external hard drives, network file shares and even some cloud storage drives. If one computer on a network becomes infected, mapped network drives could also become infected. CryptoLocker then connects to the attackers’ command and control (C2) server to deposit the asymmetric private encryption key out of the victim’s reach.

Victim files are encrypted using asymmetric encryption. Asymmetric encryption uses two different keys for encrypting and decrypting messages. Asymmetric encryption is a more secure form of encryption as only one party is aware of the private key, while both sides know the public key.

While victims are told they have three days to pay the attacker through a third-party payment method (MoneyPak, Bitcoin), some victims have claimed online that they paid the attackers and did not receive the promised decryption key. US-CERT and DHS encourage users and administrators experiencing a ransomware infection to report the incident to the FBI at the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).



US-CERT recommends users and administrators take the following preventative measures to protect their computer networks from a CryptoLocker infection:

Do not follow unsolicited web links in email messages or submit any information to webpages in links
Use caution when opening email attachments. Refer to the Security Tip Using Caution with Email Attachments for more information on safely handling email attachments
Maintain up-to-date anti-virus software
Perform regular offline backups of all systems to limit the impact of data and/or system loss
Apply changes to your Intrusion Detection/Prevention Systems and Firewalls to detect any known malicious activity
Secure open-share drives by only allowing writable access to necessary user groups or authenticated users
Keep your operating system and software up-to-date with the latest patches
Refer to the Recognizing and Avoiding Email Scams (pdf) document for more information on avoiding email scams
Refer to the Security Tip Avoiding Social Engineering and Phishing Attacks for more information on social engineering attacks

US-CERT suggests the following possible mitigation steps that users and administrators can implement, if you believe your computer has been infected with CryptoLocker malware:

Immediately disconnect the infected system from the wireless or wired network. This may prevent the malware from further encrypting any more files on the network
Users who are infected should change all passwords AFTER removing the malware from their system
Users who are infected with the malware should consult with a reputable security expert to assist in removing the malware, or users can retrieve encrypted files by the following methods:
Restore from backup,
Restore from a shadow copy or
Perform a system restore.

CryptoLocker Virus: New Malware Holds Computers For Ransom, Demands $300 Within 100 Hours And Threatens To Encrypt Hard Drive
CryptoLocker Wants Your Money!
CryptoLocker ransomware – see how it works, learn about prevention, cleanup and recovery
Microsoft Support – Description of the Software Restriction Policies in Windows XP
Microsoft Software Restriction Policies Technical Reference – How Software Restriction Policies Work
CryptoLocker Ransomware Information Guide and FAQ
Revision History

November 5, 2013: Initial Release
November 13, 2013: Update to Systems Affected (inclusion of Windows 8)
November 15, 2013: Updates to Impact and Prevention sections.
Buen viento y mar de popa para vuesas mercedes.
El mar dara a cada hombre una nueva esperanza, como el dormir le da sueños. (Cristóbal Colón)
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die. (Roy Batty)
sigue mi blog Ganando Barlovento
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Antiguo 18-11-2013, 21:51
Avatar de hibrido
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Predeterminado Re: Ojo!! Virus a lo bestia circula en Internet

Me parece que este sí es un virus peligroso, pero el efecto "Pedro y el Lobo" hace que nadie le eche cuenta a este hilo

Deberías abrir un hilo independiente

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Antiguo 18-11-2013, 22:24
Avatar de vihera
vihera vihera esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Re: Ojo!! Virus a lo bestia circula en Internet

Hasta los mas grandes se infectan

para ello...

yo ya estoy linuxando familiares y gente flipa con los ordenadores que hiban a tirar y reviven con otro sistema distinto a windows....
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Antiguo 20-11-2013, 17:49
Avatar de Gambucero
Gambucero Gambucero esta desconectado
Hermano de la costa
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Predeterminado Re: Ojo!! Virus a lo bestia circula en Internet

Originalmente publicado por vihera Ver mensaje
Hasta los mas grandes se infectan

para ello...

yo ya estoy linuxando familiares y gente flipa con los ordenadores que hiban a tirar y reviven con otro sistema distinto a windows....
Eso es bueno... jejejejejeje haciendo proselitismo...

Originalmente publicado por hibrido Ver mensaje
Me parece que este sí es un virus peligroso, pero el efecto "Pedro y el Lobo" hace que nadie le eche cuenta a este hilo

Deberías abrir un hilo independiente

Bueno... es una oleada intensa del famoso virus de la policia... con alguna innovacion y variante... oleada provocada por la cercania de la "hollidays season"... -accion de gracias/hanukah/navidad/año nuevo- con multitud de felicitaciones, regalitos "online" y todo eso... Ya somos mayorcitos para saber que con estas cosas no se juega a "que viene el lobo"... mi tarea es avisar, una vez hecho... que cada cual haga lo que bien le venga en gana (que luego alguno me dice aquello de la conspiración de la CIA y del gran hermano y todo eso...), que nadie esta libre de que su direccion de correo electronico no haya sido vendida, robada o "cedida con intencion informativa"...
Buen viento y mar de popa para vuesas mercedes.
El mar dara a cada hombre una nueva esperanza, como el dormir le da sueños. (Cristóbal Colón)
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched c-beams glitter in the dark near Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain... Time to die. (Roy Batty)
sigue mi blog Ganando Barlovento
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Antiguo 20-11-2013, 18:01
Avatar de relinga
relinga relinga esta desconectado
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Predeterminado Re: Ojo!! Virus a lo bestia circula en Internet

Originalmente publicado por Gambucero Ver mensaje
Eso es bueno... jejejejejeje haciendo proselitismo...

Bueno... es una oleada intensa del famoso virus de la policia... con alguna innovacion y variante... oleada provocada por la cercania de la "hollidays season"... -accion de gracias/hanukah/navidad/año nuevo- con multitud de felicitaciones, regalitos "online" y todo eso... Ya somos mayorcitos para saber que con estas cosas no se juega a "que viene el lobo"... mi tarea es avisar, una vez hecho... que cada cual haga lo que bien le venga en gana (que luego alguno me dice aquello de la conspiración de la CIA y del gran hermano y todo eso...), que nadie esta libre de que su direccion de correo electronico no haya sido vendida, robada o "cedida con intencion informativa"...

No, por favor!! que con todo lo que tengo yo que ocultar...

Esto se asemeja a aquello de lo justo y lo correcto.

Soy pirata porque no tengo más que un barco. si tuviera una flota, sería un conquistador.

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