La Taberna del Puerto Smartsails
"Se navega por los astros, por la mar, por la tierra, por las gentes, por los sentimientos...Se navega." Altair
VHF: Canal 77
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Antiguo 02-11-2006, 18:16
Avatar de Pakito
Pakito Pakito esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 27-10-2006
Localización: Cualquier sitieo donde se pueda navegar a Vela
Edad: 37
Mensajes: 842
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 211
Recibió 63 Agradecimientos en 49 Mensajes
Predeterminado Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas en el mar tras caer al agua frente

Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas en el mar tras caer al agua frente a las Cíes

'Uno de los dos tripulantes de un yate británico de 8,5 metros de eslora que hacía la travesía entre Leixoes y Cardiff cayó al agua a causa de una golpe de mar y se mantuvo a flote durante seis horas hasta que pudo ser rescatado por los servicios de salvamento.
Roger John Cottle fue trasladado al centro de salud de Cangas, donde fue atendido por los médicos. Mientras, la embarcación fue remolcada también a Cangas con su compañero, Paul Charmbury, de 40 años, a bordo. A última hora de la mañana de ayer ambos daban gracias a los servicios de salvamento por su "profesionalidad" y no dudaban en calificar su supervivencia de "suerte".'

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Antiguo 02-11-2006, 18:27
Avatar de Circe201
Circe201 Circe201 esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 27-10-2006
Localización: Alicante/Alacant
Edad: 84
Mensajes: 725
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 13
Recibió 6 Agradecimientos en 6 Mensajes
Predeterminado Re: Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas en el mar tras caer al agua fre

Esta debe ser la excepcion que confirma la regla. Hip! Hip! Hip! Hurra! por la supervivencia del ingles y los parabienes a los rescatadores. Seis horas en el mar y sin hipotermia que es la que mata. Que suerte.
A la mujer y al viento, tres cuartas a barlovento.
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Antiguo 02-11-2006, 18:38
Avatar de olaje
olaje olaje esta desconectado
Hermano de la costa
Registrado: 26-10-2006
Localización: Mediterráneo
Edad: 69
Mensajes: 5,142
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 912
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Predeterminado Re: Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 ...

Por si alguien duda de la efectividad del arnés...

Suerte que pudieron rescatarlo y que aguantara esas seis horas.

Ultimamente las noticias relativas a MOB's acababan mal. La nueva Taberna ha traido también buenas noticias.

Salu2. Carmelo ( O L A J E )


'Pa' vivir navegando, mejor no morirse
Mi web:

Call Sign: EA7AZH & 23Oscar2 en REMER
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Antiguo 02-11-2006, 23:30
Avatar de guaterlain
guaterlain guaterlain esta desconectado
Registrado: 27-10-2006
Edad: 60
Mensajes: 246
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 26
Recibió 33 Agradecimientos en 19 Mensajes
Predeterminado Re: Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas

Felicidades a los rescatados, que es cierto que estamos últimamente estamos un poco hartos de malas noticias.

Muy fuerte lo de 6 horas en el agua.

Y tambiem felicidaes a los rescatadores, que seguro que no fue fácil.

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Antiguo 02-11-2006, 23:40
Avatar de Axterix
Axterix Axterix esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 29-10-2006
Localización: Mar de Alboran
Edad: 60
Mensajes: 885
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 0
Recibió 15 Agradecimientos en 10 Mensajes
Predeterminado Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas en el mar tras caer al agua frente

Si es ingles y navegante tendria tejido adiposo en cantidad por la cerveza.

Viva la cerveza, ronda pa tos
Quien dijo miedo cuando estabamos tos cagaos
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Antiguo 03-11-2006, 08:12
Avatar de REIRA
REIRA REIRA esta desconectado
Registrado: 27-10-2006
Localización: Vigo
Edad: 50
Mensajes: 1,405
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 50
Recibió 152 Agradecimientos en 82 Mensajes
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Originalmente publicado por Axterix Ver mensaje
Si es ingles y navegante tendria tejido adiposo en cantidad por la cerveza.

Viva la cerveza, ronda pa tos

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Antiguo 03-11-2006, 09:16
Avatar de parrocha
parrocha parrocha esta desconectado
Pirata pata palo
Registrado: 27-10-2006
Localización: Alicante
Edad: 50
Mensajes: 407
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 11
Recibió 10 Agradecimientos en 7 Mensajes
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Por si alguien duda de la efectividad del brandy...

Ya en serio: felicidades marinero, y a aprender todos.
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Antiguo 03-11-2006, 09:23
Avatar de chemamoreno
chemamoreno chemamoreno esta desconectado
Registrado: 26-10-2006
Localización: SE de España
Edad: 66
Mensajes: 1,825
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 26
Recibió 89 Agradecimientos en 48 Mensajes
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Originalmente publicado por parrocha Ver mensaje
Por si alguien duda de la efectividad del brandy...

Ya en serio: felicidades marinero, y a aprender todos.
¡¡Coñe!!! Puestos a aprender prefiero hacerlo de los que no se caen al agua.
"Manzana in corpore zano" Yomismo

"Mesana in corpore sano" Asociación de Amigos del Ketch

"Mar sana y vivan las ranas" Un descerebrao que pasaba por aquí.

Visita mi web (¡Si te da la gana!)
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Antiguo 03-11-2006, 09:32
Avatar de manolouk
manolouk manolouk esta desconectado
Capitán pirata
Registrado: 01-11-2006
Mensajes: 772
Agradecimientos que ha otorgado: 31
Recibió 583 Agradecimientos en 204 Mensajes
Predeterminado Re: Un tripulante de un velero inglés aguanta 6 horas

Esta es la noticia oficial del guardacostas ingles

Maritime & Coastguard Agency

Press Notice No: Duty 1
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Posted 06:25 GMT
A British man has been found by a Spanish fishing vessel, having fallen overboard his yacht 15 miles off the coast of Spain.

Falmouth Coastguard received a hit from a 406 distress beacon at midnight, which put the vessel somewhere off the Portuguese coast. A further hit from the beacon put the vessel off Vigo in Spain.

At 2.00 am it was established that a man had fallen overboard the yacht Rash. The yacht had two people on board. A rescue helicopter and rescue boat were sent to the area by the Madrid Coastguard. At 3.30 am the missing man, who is from Bristol, was recovered from the water by a fishing vessel. He is safe and well. Both crew of the yacht are now on board the fishing vessel which is bringing them back into Vigo. The yacht is being towed back into port.

Falmouth Coastguard, has been liaising with the Madrid Coastguard since the initiation of the incident, giving details of the yacht which are stored here in the UK and assisting the Spanish Coastguard.

Mick Quinn, Falmouth Coastguard Watch Manager says:
Falmouth Coastguard has been designated as the UK Coastguard co-ordination centre which liaises with our international colleagues in cases such as these. We were able to give information regarding the vessel to which the beacon is registered.

It seems that the man who fell into the water is safe and well, despite having been in the water for a considerable amount of time. The weather in the area was not great at the time of the rescue, with force 5-7 winds, occasionally gale force 8 and thundery showers.

aqui hay otros dos incidentes en que intervino el guardacostas español
Maritime & Coastguard Agency

Press Notice No: 395/06
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Posted 16:34 GMT
Falmouth Coastguard have been co-ordinating assistance to three separate incidents off the coast of Spain in the Bay of Biscay this afternoon.

Initially, at 11.45 this morning a signal was received from a 406 MHz beacon which related to a 28 foot white hulled yacht called ` Sentito registered to a resident of Hartlepool. Various calls were made, and it was established that a British couple were on board who had last made contact with their relatives in the town on Monday, when they said they were departing from a French port.

The Spanish Coastguard were contacted and the Spanish Co-ordination Centre at Madrid launched a helicopter and rescue boat to the site of the beacon.

Coastguards in Madrid then confirmed that Finisterre radio had made contact with the crew of the `Sentito who reported that they were in distress; dismasted and were wishing to abandon their vessel. They were reassured that a helicopter was en route and by 1.00 p.m. this afternoon both individuals had been picked up by the aircraft and were on their way to safety in Spain.

Falmouth Coastguard then relayed that message back to relieved family members in Hartlepool.

Meanwhile at 12.20 this afternoon a VHF radio mayday was heard from the 9.3m steel hulled single-hull yacht `Malidan which was in difficulty in very heavy weather, also in the Bay of Biscay and required urgent assistance.

Several vessels including a car carrier also heard his alert and reported to the Coastguard they were heading in the yachts direction. The Coastguard in Madrid were also aware of the ongoing incident and offered a helicopter to the site of the mayday distress signal, however the vessel `MSC Napoli reported that she was very close to the site of the distressed yacht and said that her crew could recover the two people from the yacht who by this time had abandoned to a liferaft. Minor first aid was required when they were recovered but both were in fine spirits but were more concerned for their yacht they had had to abandon.

At 2.15 p.m. a further distress call was received from yet another yacht who was involved in the `Route Du Rhum race. The call was patched through to Falmouth Coastguard from the French Coastguard at Cap Griz Nez who in turn had been informed about the incident from the race organisers.

The vessel A Fond Contre La Spondylarthrite with one occupant was about to set off his 406 MHz beacon as the vessel was taking water and in danger of sinking.

The French Coastguard then launched an aircraft – a Falcon 50 – from the French Navy to overfly the scene.

By 2.45 it was established that the nearest vessel to the distressed yacht was the `Siegenna which was approximately 50 miles north of the yacht, although to reach the A Fond Contre La Spondylarthrite he would have to sail against the wind. It was confirmed by this time that the yacht was sinking and the single male occupant was in a dry suit and preparing to abandon the vessel.

The incident is ongoing.
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